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时间:2021-06-24 09:47:28来源:移投界阅读:761

移投界讯:2021年6月22日,在 Behring 区域中心有限责任公司 V. Chad Wolf 等人案中,美国加利福尼亚北区地方法院裁定,前代理国土安全部部长凯文·麦卡利南 (Kevin McAleenan) 未在联邦空缺职位下适当任职他在颁布 EB-5 现代化最终规则时的改革法案,并据此裁定,必须“搁置”于 2019 年 11 月 21 日生效的新规定。美国地方法官杰奎琳·斯科特·科利 (Jacqueline Scott Corley) 还裁定,现任国土安全部部长亚历杭德罗·马约卡斯 (Alejandro Mayorkas) 于 2021 年 3 月批准了 EB-5 现代化最终规则并没有解决因麦卡利南的不当任命而产生的缺陷。

法院拒绝回应美国政府提出的中止请求,并“将此事发回 [DHS]”。法院表示:“虽然鉴于该规则生效的时间长短,如果取消该规则肯定会造成一些破坏,但政府除了声称它会'非常具有破坏性'之外,并没有做出具体的损害表现。”另一方面,法院也拒绝批准原告的禁令,禁止 USCIS 在不遵守《行政程序法》管辖的规则制定过程的情况下恢复 EB-5 现代化规则。

USCIS 可能会向第九巡回上诉法院提出上诉。 Mayorkas 部长现在也有可能寻求最终确定 EB-5 现代化规则,但在此之前,旧的最低投资额(如果 TEA 为 500,000 美元/如果不是,则为 1,000,000 美元)和目标就业区标准回到 2019 年 11 月之前。这是一个发展中的故事。


EB-5's investment amount reinstated to $500,000, court rules today

On June 22, 2021, in Behring Regional Center LLC V. Chad Wolf, et al., the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled that Former Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan was not properly serving in his position under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act when he promulgated the EB-5 Modernization Final Rule, and accordingly ruled that, the new regulations which took effect on Nov. 21, 2019 must be "set aside."  U.S. Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley also ruled that the ratification of the EB-5 Modernization Final Rule by current Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas in March of 2021 did not cure the defect arising from McAleenan's improper appointment. 

The court declined to address the U.S. government's request for a stay and "remanded the matter to [DHS]".  The court stated:  "While there would certainly be some disruption if the Rule is vacated given the length of time the Rule has been in effect, the government has made no specific showing of harm beyond asserting that it would be 'extraordinarily disruptive.'"  On the other hand, the court also declined to grant Plaintiff's injunction barring USCIS from reinstating the EB-5 Modernization Rule absent compliance with the rule-making process governed by the Administrative Procedures Act. 

It is possible that USCIS appeals the decision to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.  It is also possible, and likely, that Secretary Mayorkas will now seek to finalize the EB-5 Modernization Rule, but until then, the old minimum investment amounts ($500,000 if in a TEA/$1,000,000, if not) and Targeted Employment Area standards go back to pre-November 2019.  This is a developing story. 

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